Why not take a moment to go within and ask yourself what message you would like to give to the world? It can be a quick sentence or two, or longer if you wish. It's best to reach into your heart and access that wiser, deeper part of your being and see if it has anything inspirational or helpful that it wants to convey to other people. Maybe you are going through a particular challenge and want to share something that might helps others in a similar boat? Or maybe it's just a general inspirational thought that just seems to come to you?

Why not post a new message each day? I think we all have an unlimited source of wisdom within us. We maybe don't tap into it enough. Like a muscle, it probably grows stronger the more we use it. This thread therefore might be good practise. Is anyone game?

Here's what came to me, today. It has resonance to me today, as I've not been feeling great and when I stopped and went within for guidance, this is more or less what came:

Stop resisting, stop fighting, stop waging war with yourself and the circumstances of reality. Stop taking your thoughts so seriously...they are just like cloud formations in the sky; transient, amorphous, ever-shifting. Just let them come and go like clouds; be the witness and don't get pulled in by them. Don't give them a reality and solidity they don't possess. Just watch them, accept them and let them go. 'YOU' are not the clouds, and never can be - you are the vast, expansive sky in which the clouds appear. The sky has a benign indifference; it doesn't really care whether the clouds are light and fluffy or dark and stormy. It just allows, without resistance or judgement. Relax and allow...