I wasn't really sure where to post this thread, but I hope that I didn't make too much of a mistake. Last night I talked about this with a friend on Facebook which helped a lot (I don't want to name this person for privacy reasons) and I was thinking maybe to post the thread about it here, hear what people think and have to say..

Story goes like this. I meet a couple of friends last night, two to be more exact, we haven't seen each other for a while and it was GREAT to catch up with them. I LOVE these two guys, best friends in the world. We are all kind of successful in what we do, but I'm kind of behind them. Last night, they told me some things they were doing, one of my friends is going to Boson for 6 months. I has VERY HAPPY for this person and not jealous at all. However, it did made me think and be a bit down last night and even a bit today. They are going new and exciting things and I'm still, "standing still", still kinda getting to know myself and what I want. The truth is they are my friends and I am not and don't want to be a jealous type, but the worst thing is that I don't feel as much jealousy as much as I feel like I'm doing everything wrong and being basically a failure..

"Facebooking" last night with this other friend made me look at the situation in a different light, made me feel much better, but I was wondering how do people in general deal with this. I mean, I know intellectually what is the best thing to do and behave, but that doesn't help that bad feeling in my belly I've been having for a while..