Please help to stop the re-legislation of commercial whale hunting. I read a heart-breaking article about it yesterday which I won't re-post as it is just upsetting, but it is absolutely tragic the way these highly intelligent, sentient creatures are brutally hunted and slaughtered.

I read that certain studies have shown that cetaceans have the ability to solve problems and exhibit joy, grief and altruism. As bizarre as it sounds, some experts have even suggested that sperm whales might even rationalise about their place in the religion and suggested they might even have evolved some form of religion. Studies are in their infancy, but these magnificent creatures clearly possess a deep intelligence.

And what do we do? Well, the Japanese are readying to send fleets after them, planning to slaughter hundreds of the creatures on the grounds of 'scientific research', aka eating them.

Please help to spread word about this and stand up for these beautiful creatures. We can't go backward - only forward.

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