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    Thread: Year 2010 Surf Report

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      Default Year 2010 Surf Report

      From Solara's website www.nvisible.com. 'Surf' refers to the subtle currents that underly reality. I find Solara's insights helpful and interesting; she's often very switched on. Don't be offput by the use of any unfamiliar terms or conceptualisation. I've tried to cut out the bits that might confuse and I hope you find it of some interest. Happy 2010!


      Welcome to the Brilliant Year of Fulfillment - 2010!

      2010 is the second year of a three year phase birthing a new MUA or Major Evolutionary Cycle.

      2009 OVERVIEW

2009 was a powerful year of transition that gave us the lessons and experiences which we most needed. The entire year required constant effort from us, but it also gave us amazing opportunities for transformation and expansion.

      2009 was the year in which the superimposed, simultaneous realities of duality and Oneness started to noticeably diverge. Because of this, where we positioned ourselves determined what we experienced. How we responded to what we experienced was greatly affected by whether we were positioned in duality or Oneness.

      Some people feel that 2009 was an extremely hard year; this is because they were passing through the ultimate challenge of their Perfect Storms (times of greatest challenge in which we must face and surmount the issues that we've most struggled to deal with in our lifetimes). Others of us who had already moved through our Perfect Storms, found it much easier to surf through the numerous challenges by using much larger surfboards and developing new forms of navigation.


      Our Number One Priority in 2010 is to become a True One.

      Becoming a True One is our next level. It is also the key to all our future endeavors. This doesn't mean that we were untrue before. Many of us are good and honest people, but we aren't yet True Ones.

      To become a True One, we don't have to become anything other than what we really are, but we can no longer hide WHO WE ARE. It is the conscious acceptance of WHO WE ARE on a vast level. When we become a True One, we bring our true core essence out to the surface for everyone to see. We fully inhabit WHO WE ARE.

      Becoming a True One is like putting on an exquisite garment that was specially created for us long ago, but that we've kept hidden in the back of our closet, not quite daring to put it on yet. This garment is woven from all the threads of our beings, from who we are, who we've ever been and who we ever will be. These threads contain all our experiences, all our knowing, our past - present - and future rolled into the present moment.

      The shift to becoming a True One happens when we bring our inside true core essence to the outside for all to see. It's not a matter of whether we are worthy to be a True One or whether we are ready to be a True One; we are worthy and ready. It's simply choosing to make the shift in our inner control panels to bring WHO WE REALLY ARE out to the surface.

      This small and significant shift inside us changes absolutely everything. It changes the way we think; it changes the way we walk in the world; it changes our responses; it changes our attitudes towards our current situations; it changes the way we dress; it changes the way we do things; it changes the way we interact with people. Once we make this shift, it feels so good, because our inner and outer finally match up. We are no longer in disguise. It's extremely liberating and sets us free.

      When we become a True One, we are stripped of all that no longer serves us. It erases the final residue of the long line of footprints in the sand behind us. These are the records of all we have experienced upon planet Earth up until this very moment-- our past history from all our lifetimes. Suddenly, we are surrounded by pure, clean sand in all directions. This presents us with a blank canvas upon which we can create the life that we truly want.

      In these uncertain times, many of us are searching for safety nets. These safety nets will no longer be found in the world of duality. When we become a True One, we will discover a massive safety net waiting for us in the Ultra Greater Reality.

      Once we become True Ones, a huge rebalancing takes place. What was empty is made full and what was too full is lessened. If we have neglected our physical bodies, we will find ourselves turning our attention to them and becoming more alive. If we have put too much attention on the physical, we will be thrust into a Quantum Deep that will require us to be totally still. If we have carried too much responsibility, we will be able to let some of it go. If we have avoided responsibility, it will be handed to us. If we have been too busy serving to have a personal life, we will be given a personal life. If we've been only focusing on ourselves, we will start serving others.

      As long as we are True Ones, we will find creative ways to financially support ourselves. If we are still depending on duality to supply us with jobs that we only do for the money, then they might fall away.

      Part of being a True One is being honest and real at all times. While wide open on many levels, we also create needed boundaries to maintain the resonance of trueness around us. Sometimes, this requires us to be super honest with those near us or to walk away from situations and relationships that are murky and pull on our energy.

      True Ones embody PURE HEART LOVE at all times. They are fountains of LOVE; it splashes forth from them wherever they go. They have a quiet authority, being both empowered and humble at the same time. True Ones serve as Sacred Pagodas, influencing their entire landscape, and reassuring everyone they encounter that All is Well by their mere presence. They are constantly giving and receiving hidden treasures while in a continual state of gratitude. True Ones are not needy, but are self sustaining. They emanate a sense of well being, serenity, safety and confidence.

      Once we step into the level of being a True One, we naturally recognize other True Ones, even without personally knowing them or speaking to them. And they recognize us.

      Whenever someone who isn't yet a True One meets a True One, they often think that they met an Angel. Being in the presence of True Ones will help heal their hearts and trigger them to also become a True One. When we are around True Ones, all we have to do is be real.

      When we become a True One, we don't have to think of how to serve others or serve the One. It is just natural to do so because it's part of who we are. True Ones are already so clean, clear, honest and true, that they automatically see what needs to be done and effortlessly do it.

      The True Ones live in the Ultra Greater Reality at all times. They are in the Centerpoint of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE and travel on the Fast Track.

      As the year progresses, more and more of us will emerge as True Ones.


      "We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be."

      A Brief Description of the Gordian Knot.

      Long ago, there was a city-state located near present day Ankara, Turkey. Their king had recently died and had left no descendents. The city elders held a meeting where they decided that the next person who arrived in a wagon in the main square of their city would become the new king. This happened to be Gordius, a poor farmer who came to town in his broken-down wagon to sell a few vegetables. As he arrived in the main square, the city elders heralded his arrival with great fanfare and crowned him as their new king!

      To celebrate this dramatic shift of his destiny, Gordius had two large wooden stakes put in the city square. Between them, he created a series of elaborately intricate knots composed of multiple Turkish knots with no loose ends. The Gordian Knot was made of wet sinew which shrunk when it dried. Then the city elders proclaimed that the person who could untie the Gordian Knot could rule the world.

      Over the years many people made the pilgrimage to the town of Gordius (now named after its farmer-king), and spent years trying in vain to untie the impossible knot. No-one succeeded.... Until finally Alexander the Great heard of the famous knot and made haste to Gordius. Then, with one mighty stroke of his sword, he severed the Gordian Knot once and for all.

As the world of duality increasingly collapses, and as the very different evolutionary roads of duality and Oneness continue to diverge, it's essential that we position ourselves on the road that we most want to travel. We can no longer successfully straddle the two, very different worlds. They have become too separate for us to have a foot in both worlds. If we try to do this, we will feel as if we are being split into two.

      It no longer serves us to fall back on default decisions, for all they will do is dig us into a deep hole. This is similar to creating a new document on a computer. The program automatically chooses a font for us. We can either go with this default decision made by someone else or we can step in and choose the font that is perfect for our document. We can choose a font that is clear and has authority. If we do, it will make our document easier to read and strengthen the content. Too often in our lives we abdicate our true knowing and step back, letting other people make our decisions for us, even when we know that these aren't the truest or best decisions. We really need to stop doing this, for all it does is create problems that will have to be solved sooner or later.

      Many of us also like to avoid confrontation, no matter what. Yet sometimes this is exactly what the situation needs in order for there to be peace and clarity.

      We also need to watch out for self sabotage and clear out any ways that we block ourselves from doing what we know to be true. Some of us use blame as an excuse to not be able to do what we really want to do. We blame others or our outer situation as the reason why we cannot step in. We use lame excuses such as, "I would love to do it if my partner let me", or "I would definitely do it if I won the lottery and had enough money ", or "If there was a huge safety net, I would be able to fully be myself". We are waiting for everything to be perfect before we can step in, but all the outer conditions will never be perfect, so we are waiting in vain for something that will never happen.

      I've always found my greatest success by simply leaping in and doing what I know is right to do, without any visible safety net. If we are true to what we feel is right, we will be successful, no matter how wild or far our leap into the Unknown is.
      It's also important to establish boundaries. Yes, we are One Being and we are open on the truest, most real levels, but it doesn't mean that we don't have boundaries. We can be wide open with those who are true, but we still need boundaries to keep away any elements which are not coming from a place of trueness.

      This is like having guests in your house. Some guests are a joy to be around. They not only clean up their own messes, but they keep the energy of your home clean and clear. Often, they even make it better. They help cook, rather than sitting around waiting for you to feed them; they are self sustaining and don't need your constant attention. Others come into your home bringing with them all the heaviness and drama of their personal problems. Or they sit around bored when you aren't constantly entertaining them. Or even worse, some bring in astral energy that sticks to everything and requires constant clearing. This is when we need to establish our boundaries as to what is acceptable to us. Don't be afraid to ask people to leave when they don't respect the energy of your space.

      Some of us haven't yet made the commitment to live in the Ultra Greater Reality as True Ones and because of this, we find ourselves mired in almost impossible situations. These are our Gordian Knots.
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      As hard as we try, we have not been able to extricate ourselves from these challenging situations. They are very sticky and have accumulated so many layers of intricate knotting that an easy solution has not been visible. Many of our Gordian Knots have financial problems woven into them, whether or not that is the main issue. All of the Gordian Knots in our lives make us feel trapped and severely hamper our sense of freedom. They keep us bound so we cannot do what we really came here to do or what we most want to do.

      What is required to solve them is an out of the box, wildly original solution, just like Alexander the Great did when we split open the Gordian Knot with his sword. If we try to resolve them on the same level on which they were created, we will not succeed. All of our Gordian Knots are duality-based. They were created in duality, but they will not be solved in duality. As long as we continue to live in duality, we will see our stuck situations as the defining boundaries of our lives.

      "We are far more free than we allow ourselves to be."

      What is required is that we first accept our current situation. Accept where we are right now without resisting it. This acceptance is done without compromise. We don't make ourselves smaller or resign ourselves to not becoming free. We simply say, "This is where I am right now. This is my starting point." without any emotion or resistance. Next, we get clear about where we want to be, about what we really want to do.

      Then we choose to become a True One. We choose not to be bound by the illusion of duality. We choose to live in the Ultra Greater Reality. Then, starting in the centerpoint of our beings, we allow the truth of WHO WE ARE to expand outwards in rippling waves until our entire being resonates with the frequency of our Real, True Self.

      Then we become infinitely larger than before. We discover that our problems no longer define us. We can now see a previously invisible frequency band of vast PURE HEART LOVE that surrounds us. The boundaries of our lives have been greatly expanded and our old stuck situations have now become very small. From this expanded vantage point we are able to see the way out of our old problems. There is a new creative solution that is waiting for us to see it. And it will break open the Gordian Knot that has oppressed us.

      This is the final test of duality. Once passed, there will be NO DOWN - NO RETURN. We are finally free!


The true Path of Love is the Ultimate Path. It's the final path that can only be walked upon when we have traveled all other roads. Only True Ones can walk the real Path of Love.

      All year long, we are going to be walking upon the true Path of Love. As we do, the Path of Love is going to be expanding, deepening, and revealing more of itself. Many new levels of the Path of Love will be made visible.

      For example: we may first find the Path of Love while we are passing through a barren desert. Then as we walk on it, the landscape becomes steadily greener. Suddenly there are plants, then some trees, then flowers and a random cow, then birds start singing. We pass a bubbling stream of the clearest, freshest water; majestic mountains appear in the distance. As we walk the Path of Love, PURE HEART LOVE will immeasurably deepen and become stronger and ever truer. PURE HEART LOVE gives us our first glimpse of the White Star. It allows us to see what we couldn't see before. The New Landscape will be revealed in its fullest glory.

      There is no false love on the Path of Love. It isn't the diluted New Age "love & light" kind of love. It isn't distorted love that is jealous or possessive. It is PURE HEART LOVE that is honest, raw, stripped down and extremely real. It is PURE HEART LOVE with clarity, compassion and integrity. Because of its honesty and trueness, it is LOVE that is very, very real.

      The Path of Love is the path of Fulfillment. The longer we walk upon it, the more we fulfill our Wildest Dreams and our true purpose. Fulfillment is a key element of 2010.

      Once we start walking upon the Path of Love, we will experience the strongest TRUEST LOVE we have ever known. We are able to LOVE and BE LOVED as never before. It is beyond anything we have imagined. And it is on the Path of Love where we will find true fulfillment.

      THE 2010 OVERVIEW

2010 is an absolutely brilliant year in which we will be able to experience massive breakthroughs and the fulfillment of many of our Wildest Dreams. This doesn't mean that everything will be easy all the time. On many levels it will be, but we are still in the midst of the total collapse of the world of duality. This will occasionally send huge shockwaves all over the planet. That's one of the reasons why we now need to be True Ones and learn how to ride the Quantum Surf on the biggest surfboards we can find. We have to be true to who we are, no matter what the outer conditions are.

      All year long, there will be more unmasking of all that is untrue. The disguises worn by the misusers of power are falling off at an ever increasing rate. False motives will be brought out for all to see. Tiger Woods' fall from grace is a good example of this. Some people will still be encountering their Perfect Storms. When this happens, we need to be ultra honest and go right into the center of the storm. This is the only way through a Perfect Storm. When they appear, they cannot be avoided.

      Some people are still afraid that they will lose control if they allow themselves to be unpinned from duality. Or that they will go so far away that they will not be able to return to Earth. Or that perhaps they will go crazy if they are unpinned. Many of us still have a belief that we need duality in order to be grounded; that we have to keep one foot in duality or we will fly away. However, this is no longer true. I know this from my own first-hand experience. I don't live in duality and I am still very grounded. I pay my bills on time and remember to feed my cat. All we need is to be REAL.

      We are Earth - Star Beings. Once we step into being a True One, we are so greatly expanded that we reach a new level of groundedness that is no longer dependent on duality. What is important is to live in the Ultra Greater Reality at all times. And then to take our Ultra Greater Reality self out into our everyday lives.

      This is a year of many doors opening and closing. Some things that have been with us for a very long time will suddenly be gone. Old ways of doing things will be transformed into new approaches. Old roles and definitions of who we thought we were will be released and our truer selves will appear. Doors of some relationships will close and new ones will open. Financial doors will close and new ones open. Doors of our old home environment will close and the doors of our right, new places will open. Whenever a door closes, it's important that we don't try to force it back open. This simply won't work. If we give the closing doors too much of our attention, we might miss the sparkling open doors that are beckoning to us. Whenever an old door closes, immediately look for the new door. It will be there.

      For several years, we have trained ourselves to row night and day, no matter what. At times, this has been extremely difficult. We have rowed in all kinds of weather. We have rowed even when we were using the last of our strength. Occasionally we have been flattened by the waves, then as soon as we could, we got back up and continued rowing. This required constant effort, massive dedication and focused intent.

      But as we continued to row into the direction of the New and True, we became larger and more resilient. The things that used to capsize us no longer did. Using ever bigger surfboards, we were not so tossed about on Choppy Surf. Our ride became smoother, our strokes surer. The uncertainty as to whether we would make it or not was replaced with a new confidence and sureness.

      In 2010 we will still be rowing with our full efforts. Yet it will be noticeably different. We will find that each stroke we make takes us much further than before. It will feel as if the water opens up to us without resistance, enabling us to move forward with a new smoothness. Our steady strokes make shimmering spirals of great beauty, encouraging us to keep going. We ride a new creative surge that propels us forward. The current starts moving with us, taking us deeper into the New and True with ease.

      Everything that happens to us all year long is for the purpose of making us more True, more Real, more Free, more Loving, Loved and Fulfilled. This is especially true of the challenges that will be given to us. They are all perfect set ups to make us True Ones. Increasingly, we will be released from our old situations. We will almost be popped out of them, rather than having to try to laboriously extricate ourselves from them. We don't need to try to force things to happen.

      All the while, a New World is being born, right here on the physical, but in a greatly expanded frequency band. As the New Landscape is revealed, some of us will no longer feel the need to move to new locations. Others of us will definitely relocate, often to a distant part of the world.

      Throughout the year, we will feel a deepened Trueness. This will feel like arriving at a place where we REALLY haven't been before, but it immediately feels like home.

      Those who are true and real will be traveling on a massive Fast Track. Yet, although much will be happening, it will not be overwhelming because we will not be doing it alone.

      Our primary task in 2010 is to embody PURE HEART LOVE as a True One and walk upon the Path of Love. Once we do that, everything will click into position in perfect rightness. This is a year in which absolutely everything is possible.
      in 2010 let's give ourselves the ultimate gift of becoming a True One and walking the Path of Love.


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      "The meaning of human existence is explored in this beautiful, richly and intensely woven tale. The author takes us on the journey of a lifetime.”
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      I truly appreciate your sharing this. Thank you very much.
      I love it. All things are indeed possible.

      Growth Through Adversity

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      Thank you Rory! This brought a tear to my eye....I hope others read it and recognise it.
      I love you honey

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      "True Ones embody PURE HEART LOVE at all times. They are fountains of LOVE; it splashes forth from them wherever they go. They have a quiet authority, being both empowered and humble at the same time. True Ones serve as Sacred Pagodas, influencing their entire landscape, and reassuring everyone they encounter that All is Well by their mere presence. They are constantly giving and receiving hidden treasures while in a continual state of gratitude. True Ones are not needy, but are self sustaining. They emanate a sense of well being, serenity, safety and confidence."
      That's my favorite bit. I am going to meditate on that. Thanks for the light!

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      Glad you guys enjoyed it. I found it a very inspiring and helpful way to start the year, positive focus. I relate a lot to the notion that we need to be TRUE in all endeavours...I can see a million ways in the past I have lost, distorted or masked the truth I felt at the core of my being simply because I didn't think it would go down well. The need to be TRUE is paramount now. It gets harder and harder until we are true to who we are and what we know. And embody the LOVE. I love that part too Seadragon
      Check out ELADRIA ~ an epic, highly acclaimed fantasy/sci-fi/metaphysical novel!
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      Part of Solara's Surf Report for January. Full reports are available by subscription via her website www.nvisible.com. I LOVE this and feel the truth of it.

      On New Year's Day, we found ourselves deposited on a totally Blank Canvas that felt both greatly expanded and absolutely empty. This incredible infusion of exquisite energy moved us deeper into realms that had previously been Invisible.

      Since then, it feels as if there is a brand new component to the air we breathe. Something that wasn't there before has been added to the formula, giving us heightened perceptions and increased sensitivity. It has suddenly become infinitely easier to accept WHO WE REALLY ARE rather than continue to resist it; it's easier to live in the Ultra Greater Reality, easier to be a True One.

      All month long, we will be undergoing a massive recalibration on all levels as we step through the threshold of becoming True Ones. We will sort through everything this month, getting rid of anything which has lost its trueness and now feels dull and lifeless. We will look closely at our beliefs, our activities, our relationships, our responses and our outer surroundings with fresh eyes.

      The most important thing that we can do during this time is to decide to be a True One. This is our Number One Priority and everything depends on it. It is one of the most important decisions that we will ever make. Whether or not we choose to step in as a True One will determine what we will experience this year. The sooner we do it, the easier and more fun it will be.

      Being a True One isn't elitism, for we all have True Ones within us. It's simply the decision to be WHO WE ALREADY ARE in the core nucleus of our beings. To bring WHO WE ARE out to the surface for all to see. It signifies the end of the artificial duality-based split between WHO WE REALLY ARE and Who We Are in our Daily Life.

      Up until now, many people lacked focus because they haven't made a commitment to anything real. This was OK because it wasn't yet time to make a commitment or the right thing to make a commitment to wasn't visible. The Bridges and Second Wave would occasionally dip their feet into the water, but they wouldn't leap in. Now we can finally leap in with our full beings. There is something very real and very important to commit to.... becoming a True One and moving into One Being in Action.

      The sharing of responsibility is such a key component of this year. It's really essential if we are going to create a new world. We can no longer sit back and let the First Wave carry everything for us, for that old pattern has totally expired. It's time for our One Being to leap into Action.

      January is an important new beginning to an exciting new decade. This New Year we are waking up in a New Landscape that we cannot yet see, but we can strongly feel. We will begin the month with the feeling that we are under construction as we make massive internal and external adjustments to the new energy which infused us in the final weeks of December. Then we will leap into action!

      January takes the special Blue Moon energy of New Year's Eve and reunites us with fragments of our beings that have been waiting for this moment to join with us. This enables us to be True Ones. The True Ones are the missing ingredient of our One Being.

      Many of have reached the Centerpoint of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE. We are on the launching pad ready to be propelled like rocket ships into our New Lives. It is no longer a question of IF it will happen, but of WHEN it will happen.

      We are on the cusp of the fulfillment of our Wildest Dreams....

      <3 Copyright 2010 by Solara. <3 The full JANUARY 2010 SURF REPORT is available by subscription in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Hungarian and Russian from http://www.nvisible.com
      Check out ELADRIA ~ an epic, highly acclaimed fantasy/sci-fi/metaphysical novel!
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      "The most beautiful and thought-provoking book I have ever read."

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      Thank you for the Light and Love!
      In Loving Memory.
      Lion Spirit Walker / September 17, 1963 - Dec 30, 2014.
      ... All with Purpose ...

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