Lepidolite was discovered in the eigtheenth century and was originally known as lilalite (from the Hindu word 'lila' meaning play, game).

Lepidolite is not technically a gemstone, but a very beautiful purplish type of mica. It is referred to by healers as the Peace Stone.

Some of the uses of lepidolite are:

Encourages independence for setting and attaining goals inconspicuously
Protection from outside influences
Relieves every day stress, and promotes restful sleep when placed near your pillow
Attracts good luck to those who carry it, and drives away negativity
When used with rose quartz, it becomes a stone of reconciliation of love
Healing properties of Lepidolite
Lepidolite can be laid directly on painful parts of the body. It helps with nerve pain, sciatica, neuralgia and joint problems.

Sources of Lepidolite
Lepidolite is found in Colorado and other parts of the US, and in Brazil.