Strange climate changes began in 2011. With enormous earthquakes, devastating hurricanes, and the most horrific tornadoes on record it raises a question about what we are doing to our planet. We've seen reactions from our mother to what we've been doing to her. Wars, pollution, technology, drilling, etc... A cyclone hit Madagascar on Valentine's Day that was the equivalent to a category 4 hurricane. There have been 101 tornadoes in the U.S. in 2012. There have been 2 confirmed fatalities in the United States. A tornado last year hit very close to home. An EF5 multiple-vortex tornado hit Joplin and leveled the entire town. I was so close that I heard the entire thing. The sky turned green and Mammatus clouds were present. Damage from the tornado affected my residence also. Europe is buried in snow. Last year Missouri had abundant snow followed by a horrible flood in the spring. In 2012 we are seeing above average temperatures in the United States.

A quote from the website:

"All we can say is that there is so much conflicting data out there, that it's hard to know what to believe. But no doubt that 2011 smashed all modern world records when it comes to the most natural disasters in a single year, breaking some three thousand records just in the United States. That alone says something. Should this trend escalate greatly 2012, mankind will have to start taking the 2012, 2013 warning signs very seriously."

What are your thoughts on the signs that the weather alone has been giving us and the strange noises that have been happening recently?