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Reality and Illusion

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by , August 8th, 2010 at 08:31 PM (1368 Views)
Are you awake or asleep?
Are you dreaming or visioning?
If you see what you see...
is it all in your head or is it a vision of reality?
And is your reality the reality I see?

Many times I have heard/see/felt things and second guessed myself as to if it was imagination or real. This has occurred since I was a child and as a child, I was told it was imagination. As I am no longer a child, is what I am aware of still imagination?
Am I living in the illusion and all I 'see' is the reality, or am I living in reality while what I see is the illusion?

I think with my heart and feel with my head.....I am who I am. This is my reality.


  1. Rana's Avatar
    my reality too my friend ..and without it i can never exist ..i feel like a soul lost amongst many robots who are walking in a circle and im in the center and they are caving in on me trying heard to convert me with their skeptism ,their hate ,their wine,their attitudes,the mundane craziness of everyday life ..the boredom of it all .. i need to imagine myself with a gammer ray robot eliminator ..