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by , January 6th, 2010 at 09:07 AM (537 Views)
Yes although it is the start of a new year and yes although I am now back at work and have a very heavy cold....I am feeling exceptionally positive about this year.
My one wish for the world as we hopefully move out of this recession/depression, is that people do not forget eachother.
Materialism has been and will continue to be the new God! The things that are important have been pushed to the back burner. Neighbours, family, friends, those less fortunate than ourselves.
People in the most part, had forgotten what it is to give of themselves, to give to others, to be with eachother and prioritise what is truly important.
I wish that people remember....remember who they are and where they came from. Remember all those that have helped them over the years and to be truly thanksful for all in thier life.
