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by , July 4th, 2010 at 03:21 PM (602 Views)
it is time for me to find a spirit teacher on earth body who is also a medium ..for some mentoring ..i will trust the universe to bring us together so im sounding out my beacon is excited anticipation i am in absolute trust of this universe and what it is i need to do ..

" i am calling to myself a mentor , a kin ward soul ,someone who can help further develop and fine tune any medium abilites, who can guide me in the ay i need , someone who is like me yet has the abilites and personality needed to command my best .i am open and willing .."


  1. MystEerieUsOne's Avatar
    What is it you hope to discover?
  2. BlueStar's Avatar
    "There's no teacher who can teach us anything new. They can just help us to remember the things we always knew."

    My initial response, not to contradict your or invalidate what you've shared, is that don't think you need a teacher my friend, I think the greatest teacher you have is within you. And i think you have much to teach others, and I'm certain that you probably already do in many ways and in many situations. Of course, at times we are teachers and at times we are students. The biggest mistake a teacher can do is to stop learning. I do think the guidance you seek is already available to you, in you and around you. A special remark, a book, an overheard's all guiding you.
  3. Rana's Avatar
    hi mysterious a in some terms novice medium i am looking at someone who can guide me in my practice so to speak .. in technique ..
    rory ..thankyou humble me with your beauty and faith in me it goes deeper in my heart than these simple words but i know u know this true so true .. i am going to think an dmeditate more on what you have said because you are intuitive with me and i respect that betond much in my world xxx
  4. BlueStar's Avatar
    you are so welcome my dear friend, those are just words that came to me. you have so much wisdom and deep ancient knowledge and understanding within you. if you find a teacher, make sure it's someone with deep integrity and worthy of you, and not someone that might dim your light. only the best for the best x
  5. Rana's Avatar
    thankyou rory my friend .. you know its weird a friend of mine has invited me to a "womens spiritual weekend " in August and each of us can bring something to the experience by an hour of sharing which i am excited about because i decided felt it would be good to bring spirit guides and connection uninhibited to this ..that would be my thing ..i talked to the group facilitator tonight and she enfored the "rules" and "regulations" which i was like "ohhh ok" on a level i respect that but when you have 5 or 10 elders in spirit related to these people saying "no rules or regulations we are of spirit we know what our mokopuna (grandchild) needs my ear its difficult to convey that to the "regulator" ..ummmm so we will see i AM looking forward to this weekend but for many different reasons ..i just need to go with the flow and will be .. so many too many rules ....
  6. MystEerieUsOne's Avatar
    The way to become an advanced "medium" is to become proficient in multidimensional language and its underlying mathematical patterning. They hone your accesses to the Core *energy,* where everything is actually "determined." The answers you are searching for will then come to you, in everything you experience, Nature-ally.

    You have to remove yourSELF from it all, to simply *observe* (*pure observation*). The moment you tell it, you lose it. You have to learn how to simply, passively *ask,* which is a process of within><without *alignment.*

  7. Rana's Avatar
    thankyou mysterious for your guidance.i trully appreciate it and sorry its taken me so long to reply theres so much going on this board ..ill exercise with what you have said xx