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The way home

The crying tree

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by , June 25th, 2010 at 12:43 PM (325 Views)
decided to call my place of absolute ..whatever it is im feeling in the sad or negative my crying tree :

this week has been so weird and filled with negatives physically exhausted mentally tired ..spiritually who gives a ..just in the now..i just feel very lost and very flat. confused,angry at times and disappointed in myself and others . i underetand that this aspect is very much needed to provide energetic balance to my life to my now to bring much needed perspective towards the positives ..but im just being so mentally inclined this week energetically low in vibration and i have attracted these experiences this week and im having alkot to deal with and process ..just feels so bad right now always suprised by humans and their choice to be so cold so cruel so selfish and 3 dimensional ..when im this way i see all the bull**** that slithers in the undergroth of life ..i remember it crawling ..seeking wanting one to return to the meek underground. ive learned to let go of those who do not see me of those who do not want to see or understand me for who i am for my truth for my depth.that embrace my sensitive side , love my openess to communicate delve in the spiritual in every motion in every moment of me ..that see my entirety..and love it .. ohhh i cry to release thee pain in this heart of this disappointment in humans behaviours ..their endevours to use me to hurt me.. tomorrow will hopefully be a better day a better horizon xxxx


  1. BlueStar's Avatar
    I hope this has been a much better week for you, Rana - Big LOVE to you my friend
  2. Rana's Avatar
    here i am again under my tree ..laying here as the world turns around me ..there is a htunderstorm overhead ..grey everywhere ..thick heavy rain .. but i feel safe under here ..dry ..thoughts are scattered in my brain today heart feels closed feels like it is choking ..i almost lost hope and faith in my existence ..that which i have never done ..what is happening to me ? what is happening to this world ? im tired and im over this physicality ..the shallowness ..the boring hum drum of it all .... but i must try ..what else is there to do ..
  3. Rana's Avatar
    wow today with steven i actually got mad ..and it perfectly highlighted what he was trying to point out to me or should i say within me ..and how ashamed i can feel ,embarrassed ..and at what lengths i go to hide these flaws in me even to those closest to me. but as they say every negative can be a positive so i again am on the listen to whats being shoen to me by my healing process. wow i am SO stubburn and its time to shift the boarder out of this body ..i really want to change my patterns ..taking the longest breath in baby ..look out Rana xx
  4. Rana's Avatar
    feel better today ..and a little bit silly ..but i have written it all down and have a better perspective of release .. and blocks ..ive realised for me is necessary for this process even so close to such change in the world ..because to me it perfectly high lights where humanity is at ..or the light within all of us where it is at ..all part of being an empath is to feel and understand where we are at as a whole ..