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by , January 5th, 2010 at 09:41 AM (584 Views)
We have been having unseasonably cold weather (for Ireland) and my own feeling is that this is to happen more and more.
Looking at it from a holiday point of was very festive for this time of year. Also the air quality at present is particularly clear and pure which is wonderful! Do get a good few lungfuls of it while it lasts!!

The earth is replenishing and healing herself. Do not fear what is coming but celebrate it! She is returning to her original splendour and if we humans have to suffer a little, well we did create the imbalance in the first place.

Go out a look at the night sky, you will see things you never normally see because of pollution, smog, whatever. It is crystal clear and stunningly beautiful.
Allow your eyes to see that which is not normally visible, allow the veil to lift and just be.


  1. Mr B's Avatar
    I couldn't agree more.... We also have extremely cold weather at the moment over here in Belgium. I can remember a time when i was a young kid and lived in Germany, we always had a "real" winter. Lots of snow i have to say, even got a picture or two of it. It was always in december.

    Somehow i'm glad it is returning bit by bit.

    Will go outside tonight and look at the sky.... if it's clear that is.
  2. Genesis's Avatar
    And s far as weather goes here - we got it cold too. We had some snow, but it's not sticking. I hear back at home in Florida it's been almost as cold as here....There is something going on.
  3. Kiran's Avatar
    Yes guys there is! It is Gaia showing us what we could experience. Things are going to change weather wise all over and this will impact on everyone.
    It is worth this cold spell to experience the pure air quality we are getting right now!!