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Perceived Fear

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by , May 19th, 2010 at 07:48 PM (2171 Views)
Well after all the nerves and worry firstly about teaching a course and then would they come back again....I needn't have worried. I had an additional 3 people come along this week! I was delighted and they all seemed to enjoy the evening. I have to say...all the worry...all my projections of what I perceived may or may not happen could really have put me off doing this. I could have frozen and ended up not enjoying it at all.

Perceptions are illusions...they are assumptions, guesses and while I am a big fan of intuition and hunches...assumptions are a very different thing.

Intuition is my inner knowing, my higher self guiding me. Assumptions or perceptions are what I am guessing may or may not happen and all the fear associated with this is usually what stops us going forward, learning new things, being our true selves.

I am glad I saw beyond the illusion and gave it a shot. I am thoroughly enjoying teaching and I am blessed that the women I am working with trust me


  1. 's Avatar
    I really do love to hear of people suprising themselves, conquering thier own fears and misguided negative assumptions and winning... Its inspiring to the rest of us, well done
  2. Kiran's Avatar
    Thank you Sean. I guess the only thing that keeps going around in my head is 'fear is the mind killer' from Dune!! And it is so true. If we choose to live with illusion we will be lost.
  3. BlueStar's Avatar
    Awesome and so true. Well done Lorri! I have also learned that to do the thing we fear very usually ends the fear and is tremendously liberating!