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Its interesting....

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by , April 12th, 2010 at 08:54 AM (646 Views)
That being guided to step back a little and witrhdraw that things are going mad out there in the real world. I was advised to watch out for Sunday/Monday this week and over the weekend there was an earthquake in the Soloman Islands and Poland lost its President, his wife and many of the government officials and army leaders!!
Seems like things are going downhill and yet, in the midst of all this tragedy, we are having here in Ireland the most balmy beautiful spring like weather.
I am being led to find places to retreat to like my garden and the local beach. I need to run to the woods to breathe and feel alive. I am being shown the beauty beneath all the pain.
I am being shown life in all its form and the divine balance that just is.
The line "Life will find a way" keeps rambling through my mind right now and its matter what we do, no matter how destructive we become, life will always win.
Light and shadow. Life and death. Pain and joy. All sides of the same coin.
Right now I am listening to the song of the blue tit sitting in a nearby tree from my desk here in the office. In the middle of a busy city, with all the noise it creates, the one thing that calls most to me is the beautiful song of this pretty little bird letting me know he is alive and looking for his mate.
Life will go on.


  1. Lion Spirit Walker's Avatar
    Completely agree.