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Samhain/Halloween and Rememberance

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by , October 31st, 2011 at 08:45 PM (1097 Views)
As the many societies prepares to celebrate Halloween, party and have fun, watching the children going treat or treating, it is also a time of reflection. A time to remember those who have gone before.
Today would have been my mother's 81st birthday. She has been physically gone now for almost 16 years, my sister is almost 8 years gone and my brother is 5 years gone. Today I remember those who have left the physical world remembering that while I am the only one of my family left, I have them always with me in my memories and in my heart.
I celebrate all they taught me and shared with me. I celebrate the long line of women that were 'different' from my mothers side of the family.
Today, at Halloween, I remember, and say a blessing and prayer for all those who have lost loved ones and yet celebrate that they were here to share who they were.
With much love and deepest respect.
