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Ever increasing circles

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by , October 2nd, 2011 at 07:03 PM (1060 Views)
So I am dipping a toe in the water and seeing how things go. This has been my home for a long time now and while people come and go...the constant remains. I am only one of many that frequent this site and despite comments made, nothing untoward occurred and the site remains which I always knew would happen.
If changes occur it is because they are needed to occur to help us learn lessons. I have learned many in my time away and am now moving forward again.
I got caught up with senses of right and wrong....this was my ego talking. I have always belonged to several sites, never just the one.This is to keep my feet on the ground and my head balanced as staying in one place all the time for me, can lead to stagnation. We need different stimuli and different reminders to help us remain balanced. Its like standing in the same spot expecting to see a different view.....not going to happen unless we change position.
Everything is cyclical.
And so here I am testing the water and seeing how I feel about things once again. And while there are some constants, I am not the same. I am different. I have changed position and so my viewpoint has changed.
I feel it is for the positive and will others like this? I really am not worried about if they do or not. I am not here to please others but to do what I am here to do, not to worry about ego smoothing or people pleasing.
This is my truth. This is who I am and this is what I am here to do.


  1. Narnia's Avatar
    Love the title of this blog post ....

    Lorri, I think we all have experienced a collective change to some degree at our very cores in recent weeks ... I for one, am feeling changes within Spirit and I want to hear your Truths ... and I'm happy your dipping your toes in the waters once again ... much is to be learned, and it all can't be learned in one place or in the same way all the time ... it is important to explore and expand on different avenues in Life and to have change albeit gradual or abrupt, for that is what helps us continue to learn, to grow and it helps shape us into our True-Self(ves), into who we are ... Beings of Light!

    Your Truths have much Wisdom and are always welcomed!!
  2. Kiran's Avatar
    Thank you Polly.
  3. Rana's Avatar
    yes these are wise words and one people in general can share inward on their spirit path.its the way isnt it..
  4. BlueStar's Avatar
    Well, I'm very glad you're dipping your toes in the water You have always brought so much to MW and when you weren't here your absence was deeply felt by all. I can really relate to what you wrote here, and I feel I've undergone a similar change/shift in recent weeks. Nothing is quite the same anymore, and nothing is really that certain, but all the same I have a tremendously positive feeling about the future and I've had it for several weeks, the sense that something wonderful is going to happen
  5. Kiran's Avatar
    Thanks Rana....hope so
  6. Kiran's Avatar
    Thank you Rory...HUGS