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Basic reminders

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by , February 13th, 2011 at 09:41 AM (1288 Views)
I was trawling through youtube and found this clip. I found it very uplifting and the basic message is good to hear again. Most of us know all this already, but with all the rubbish that has been going on in the past few years, work, daily life, sometimes a reminder is needed to bring our focus back.
I hope this helps....



  1. Kiran's Avatar
    I guess my reason for posting this was apart from being a reminder, there are so many 'teachers' out there, so many writing and talking about these topics that can get right into a topic and take the discussion to a whole new level, I sometimes feel the simplicity of a message can be lost.
    I was sharing a discussion with someone on the bible and religion this past week and how religions have caused so many issues. But we need to remember, the Bible and the Koran teach almost identical messages. The teachings, the simple truths are there. Its the man made egotistical stuff that get the message confused. And that can apply as much to all the newer pagan/new age/metaphysical stuff as to the original teachings.
    Anyway...just felt I needed to clarify that.
    Updated February 13th, 2011 at 12:29 PM by Kiran
  2. Rana's Avatar
    i love the little grandmothers wisdom ..its happy and exciting .. xx
  3. Kiran's Avatar
    Yes so did I Rana...if you look on Youtube, there are a good few of them on various topics.