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Word smith

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by , February 1st, 2011 at 08:21 AM (764 Views)
at work yesterday i was part of a converstaion with work people and while making i thought a relevant response a lady stops on two words i used and diverts it onto this (which by the way was mega weird ) so my point was lost . so this has brought my attention towards listening ..really listening to someone and hearing their message their language ..


  1. Anjou's Avatar
    The ability to truly listen is a gift, but I believe that it can be learned and cultivated. Perhaps it is because I am naturally quiet, but, early in my life, I developed what I think was a natural ability to listen and analyze well. Even so, as I mature, I must continue to cultivate this ability, since patience is required, and so much in the universe robs us of patience.
    It is unfortunate that your work colleague chose not to listen to what you were saying. Instead, she only heard the words that enabled her to clutch at the conversation and draw it back into her territory.
    Perhaps one day she will learn that you have much of value to impart. I hope so.
  2. Rana's Avatar
    thankyou for " listening " to me. the MW has provided me with such support and love beyond my words here. both my parents are quiet by nature,my dad is a peaceful being shy also in ways,mum is very shy and quiet in a different way of her own.i was born very talkative mum said i said 3 words in a row when i first spoke " cupa tea please " of all things. my ex relationship was 10 years in total and he was very quiet but reserved he got angry when i spoke too often and i was supressed for many years due to insecurity for amny reasons. but the biggest misconception about me is that because i speak that i dont listen ,but i am proud to say i am an excellent listener.just hyper and get excited and my energy flow im evry suited working with elders . ihope one day some people in my life will SEE me just as you all do here. and accept me . xx thankyou again for your reply im so happy you have joined us xx