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Migraine Mirror

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by , January 24th, 2011 at 01:12 PM (504 Views)
well its been a long while since i had a Migraine i tried with some might to meditate or ponder a bit on it ( i say try because when you have a migraine it disturbs the whole being totally ) in the midst of this pondering i got mad at it ..and resentful and even felt a wee bit sorry for myself .. yes and i swore the worst words at it . " what ! what am i supposed to be learning ? what cant i see ? what am i NOT doing ? or not doing right ? " yeah and waited around to have it served to me on an etheral platter ,even beeing silly and pictured E.T giving it to me ..harrhh hmmmm i searched for any recent emotions that may explain why I manifested this Migraine. Karma associated with being fed up with attitudes mainly by inlaw family the mother in laws to be exact ( i have two because matts dad married twice ) both nice in their own ways but so controlling and selfish on the other sense im over it. i need to take a serious plan of action in my attitude to be way too accomodating when ppl are on "holiday" in my life. and there it was ..not served by E.T but served anyways.. note to self : will sit down in next coming days and write up a plan of action .


  1. Kiran's Avatar
    And did you write your plan of action......says a little voice to remind you lol
    Love you xx
  2. Rana's Avatar
    the plan is in action. a close friend who is spiritually minded had a "feeling" a book she is reading has a cuple of pages that would be right for me right now. she photo copied them off and put them in my bag im having a look tomorrow . i think it will help me here ...xx
  3. little bird's Avatar
    I know this feeling only too well having suffered severe migraine since I was a child. Thankfully not as frequent or severe as they used to be, they still interrupt my life too much for my liking. It's a horrible experience and trying to relax the mind and body is a huge challenge when one takes over me. And they really do take over.

    I like your theory of how you could have manifested the migraine yourself. I've never looked at it that way before and so I may need to rethink the cause of mine and how I might deal with them. That is very helpful.

    Thanks Rana!
  4. tonytonytone's Avatar
    I've suffered severe migraine since I was a child myself too. Lately they have become a lot more frequent than they used to be. But from what you said Rana, I think I could be the one manifesting them. I have had a look at the various events in my life recently and quite a lot has been happening. The strain mainly comes from having to put up a strong visage for everyone else while inside I'm all turmoil and the like. I need to re-evaluate my priorities in life...I need to write a plan of action. As I believe you have.

    Thank you! x
  5. Rana's Avatar
    hi kiera and tony sorry to be so lax in my response this MW is so vast now ..i need a navigator .oh Kiera i can empathize with you and tony. the neurosurgeon said because of the narrowing in my neck bones when my cord swells up it presses on the nerves and oh man you both know the pain ..(touch wood) ive been ok plan of action is in motion since im on the mend from my urinary tract infection : affirmations.exercise:live foods like fresh lettuce,tomato,carrot etc every day.stretching;strategies to deal with difficult behaviors in people in my work space (not the elders some bossy staff);initiating barriors with reguards to my personal space;dealing with guilt in reguards to this through mental excercises.of course daily mediatation practice; and you know tony tend to still put up the strong visage as well and i think mine is a reflex action i have as a learned behavior so i think unravelling and re programming through careful excercises can begin the process. from louise Hay a good one to start with is " I AM WILLING TO CHANGE MY WAY OF THINKING ".and i need to find more time for balance i work so hard and every 2nd weekend ..i need weekends off so im working on it ..let me know how you guys go and what works for you both.