View Full Version : Mass extinction imminent?

December 30th, 2009, 01:51 PM
This makes for very very shocking reading. While our politicians and media tend to focus on the economy and £££, there's not nearly enough being done to stave the very real threat of a mass ecological breakdown. It's estimated that by the end of the century HALF of the planet's animal and plant species could be extinct. I can hardly get my head around that.

Read it if you dare: http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/animal-extinction--the-greatest-threat-to-mankind-397939.html

I am going to spend more time researching the steps and projects that are being undertaken to deal with this and will see what ways we might contribute.

December 30th, 2009, 03:32 PM
This information is like a dagger into my heart and it cuts so deeply, it's like a violation .... it truly breaks my heart to just imagine the loss of all the beauty that could be lost (and that has been lost already) ..... the more awareness and actions being taken the better!!!

There is hope amongst the ugliness - there are people - individuals taking actions and making differences within their own lifetime - one of these brave souls/pioneers is an Environmentalist Photographer - Thomas Peschak!

Save Our Seas (http://www.thomaspeschak.com/save-our-seas-/)

December 30th, 2009, 05:12 PM
I'm like you, I felt so horrified reading that article; deeply cut.

I also found this article, with reference to the recent Copenhagen conference very interesting, from a Buddhist perspective, highlighting the need for a collective awakening: http://www.shambhalasun.com/sunspace/?p=13535

Awareness is definitely key. It's funny, as I went to retrieve that URL on twitter, this quote by the Dalai lama jumped out at me : "I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe." ~His Holiness, the Dalai Lama

Lion Spirit Walker
December 31st, 2009, 02:15 AM
We are considered to be in and the final straw to 'the sixth great Earth age of extinction.'


Through-out the years that I have had the awareness of this. Attempting a countless number of times and an endless number of ways to bring attention to this 'simple truth'. And all along my cries fell upon deaf ears and cold hearts.
And then we passed the point of no return. And my cries out to this society stopped. As I understood we had passed the 12th hour. And no one of this world could turn back the hands of that 'Clock of Life'.
My cries were then turned to the interconnected consciousness of the Universe. And I was answered with clarity and understanding.
Even this great age of darkness is with Real Universal Purpose in Truth.

Lion Spirit Walker
December 31st, 2009, 02:48 AM
Even now, in this the beginning of the future. I will not openly or directly speak as to the nature of this Universal Purpose in Truth. As it was before, it remains true now. My words would only fall upon deaf ears and cold hearts.
And to all those who can hear and feel truth. Understand this, you need only move beyond the gross adversities of this age. Release the fear and the anger. When you have truly let go, this Universal Purpose in Truth will become apparent to your sense of being.
And to everyone I say this, 'All things will be made apparent in Universal Time.'
Who was it that said something along the line of "This generation will not pass until all these things have come to pass."? And not to worry. I need no answer to this.
Just another momentary lapse of reason. LOL.

And the irony in this is how this is post #1001.
For years, part of the lyrics to a song by the canadian band Rush have echoed in my mind;

Is in distress"

p.s., I honestly don't believe in 'irony'.

December 31st, 2009, 01:41 PM
It is something......Last night I was watching the 'Jesse Ventura" show and they also were talking about mass extinction...., but not for plants and animals...but, for humans! and the basic fight, or way to win, is all in the peoples hands. The power is always with the people. We can indeed be the change.....

December 31st, 2009, 02:16 PM
I always recall that the Chinese word for 'crisis' also means 'opportunity'. Evolution, change and advancement is often forced by the direst circumstances. We wake up because we have to, there's simply no other choice. If the dream was ever-pleasant and sweet, we'd never want to wake up from it.

Although it's not always visible or apparent from the cesspool that is our media, there is a grand awakening taking place and growing realisation of the fact that we are not separate from the world; just one organism, the individual cells can no longer behave like cancer and destroy the rest of the organism. All must come together and work for the greater whole. If I realise (real-ise!) that fully in myself, and you do as well, the ripples spread out and influence the whole.

December 31st, 2009, 02:18 PM
Well said my friend!!! Also, when I was posting...I was thinking mass elimination or extermination.....sorry....I was not thinking extinction. I do not think humans will be extinct anytime soon. The show I watched last night talked about significantly reducing the number of humans (useless eaters) to five hundred million. So, we just have to be very careful, because one or some may use the fact that when animals and plants become extinct, blame it on humans and overpopulation as an excuse and justification for thier reasoning.

December 31st, 2009, 06:08 PM
Please take note that I've edited the above post. :bolt: