View Full Version : How Too: post a youtube vid.

God's Toy
November 22nd, 2009, 02:12 PM
'How Too' post a youtube vid.

1 - When you find a video on youtube you want to share first copy the video number from the URL link. For example If your video was at this address: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqB4UdpUoGM

Then copy the last 11 characters, in this case: LqB4UdpUoGM

2 - Now you want to make your post, just click the YouTube button in the post editor.

3 - It will ask you to give it an option for your yt tag. (This means to give it a title or name) In this case we call it 'Test'

4 - After you do this your Link will now look something like this:

5- In between the tags, PASTE THE 11 CHARACTER VIDEO CODE

6- Your link should now look something like this: LqB4UdpUoGM

7 - Now your ready to submit your post, just add text like you would in a normal post and your done.

Please note, the YouTube button is not available in 'Quick Reply' mode but you can type it manually if you wish.

Also, some people on YouTube do not make their videos 'embed' enabled. In these cases, this feature will not work.

Also remember while it can look complicated it's really not and once you get one or two under your belt you will have it down.

God's Toy
January 2nd, 2010, 08:38 PM
please note this info is now out of date. Please see the thread at the top of the Notice Board for more info.