View Full Version : Wisdom of Egypt

November 20th, 2009, 11:53 PM

Oh symbol of eternal life, of this is granted unto me;
For the universe is kind in her ineffable wisdom!
Though I am mortal in this life, my spirit is infinite.
As life surrounds me, I shall emit love from my heart;
Bringing peace to me, as I bring peace unto others!

The Ankh is one of the ancient symbols the meaning of which remains unchanged till our days. Though, the Ankh is not used nowadays as a symbol, it exists only as an historical heritage of the Ancient Egypt. Though, for the ancient Egypt it was a sacred symbol of extremely important meanings. For example, the gods of ancient Egypt were drawn with the Ankh in their hands. Mostly the goodness of truth Mahat was.

The ankh is a symbol of wisdom and endlessness of life. It is a combination of several symbols, though there is no one general opinion as for the nature of those symbols. There are historians who state that Ankh appeared as a combination of symbols of man and woman and was a symbol of the harmony of life. There are also those who state that that Ankh is a kind of the symbol of Tree of the Life. They base their opinion on the fact that the ellipse of Ankh is a symbol of endlessness and the cross-shaped broadening is a symbol of the spirit's trespass into material, in other words a symbol of birth.

There are no arguments to disprove one or another theory so both of those may be considered as the right theories. There is also another point of view that proves the true of each of those theories. According to the third theory the Ankh is of both meaning and may not be recognised as a symbol of one meaning. According to its nature the Ankh may be considered as a symbol as it contains no invocation and performs the function of incarnation of wisdom and endlessness of life.

The ankh is considered to be the key for secret knowledge, power and authority. That is why the ankh was a symbol the Egyptians depicted their gods with. Another name for Ankh is the Crux Ansata – the key of immortality. It was considered as a key for Neil and the nail was a sacred river of ancient Egyptians. The depiction of Crux Ansata may be found on a great number of monuments and demi-relievo all around the world, not only at Egypt. The Crux Ansata is usually depicted on the chests of heroes or gods as a symbol of their immortality.

According to ancient legend the shape of Crux Ansata was a shape of the key for the gates of heaven. The pharaohs were depicted with the Crux Ansata in their mouth as a symbol of forgiveness for those who were guilty. The Crux Ansata was also put in the tombs of pharaohs in order to guarantee their road to heaven. As the symbol of Ankh was adopted by other cultures it received a number of meanings. Some cultures considered Ankh to be a symbol of water; others considered it to be a symbol of youth and liberation of physical sufferings.


November 21st, 2009, 03:13 AM
Just looking at it, I can see that it holds the key to the *clear path* to the truth, expressing the physics the universe is actually using, sentient or otherwise, applied from a sentient perspective. (Note that it is in the right hand, as well.)

I've seen it before, in an alphabet perhaps.

It's along the same lines of Sanskrit's aham, the first and last sounds made with expression...

M: The word `aham' is itself very suggestive. The two
letters of the word, namely A (A) and h (HA), are the first and the last letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. The suggestion intended to be conveyed by the word is that it comprises all. How? Because aham [?] signifies existence itself. (http://bhagavan-ramana.org/ramana_maharshi/books/mg/mg014.html)

Aham: “I am;” “I;” “I” awareness; “I” consciousness; self-consciousness.

Aham Brahmasmi: “I am Brahman.” The Mahavakya (Great Saying) of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. (http://www.atmajyoti.org/sw_glossary.asp)

and also Tao 47 (http://www.earlywomenmasters.net/tao/ch_47.html)...

In other words, contained within is the key to without, and vice versa.

*om :Buddha: om*

November 21st, 2009, 03:41 PM
Thank you for posting this Logio! I used to wear the Ankh all the time, as earings, as a necklace, and I believe I had a ring as well. I have stopped wearing it since moving to the south and working in the retail environment. I think it was mostly a culture shock when I first moved here...since people didn't take to well to my dred locks...I figured they wouldn't like or understand the ankh. Overall, at work, I dont think it is the place to explain the meaning and all that, so I decided to stop wearing all my symbols. Now, I lost everything, yet, many of the symbols in my culture include the Ankh...still very important to us.

November 21st, 2009, 04:34 PM
Thank you for posting this Logio! I used to wear the Ankh all the time, as earings, as a necklace, and I believe I had a ring as well. I have stopped wearing it since moving to the south and working in the retail environment. I think it was mostly a culture shock when I first moved here...since people didn't take to well to my dred locks...I figured they wouldn't like or understand the ankh. Overall, at work, I dont think it is the place to explain the meaning and all that, so I decided to stop wearing all my symbols. Now, I lost everything, yet, many of the symbols in my culture include the Ankh...still very important to us.

Elizabeth, you have an Egyptian soul.


November 22nd, 2009, 04:01 PM
Love this thread, thanks Nathan. I have long been fascinated by the ancient teachings of Egypt.

In fact one of the best books I've ever read is called 'Initiation' by Elisabeth Haich. It is just the most extraordinary book, filled with wisdom and power and emotion. I have to read it again...soon.

November 22nd, 2009, 04:02 PM
Some info from http://www.philae.nu/akhet/KaBa.html relating to the concepts of the Ka and Ba...it makes for interesting reading.

The concept of the Ka and the Ba is an ancient one which is not so easy to understand for our western minds. The ancient Egyptians regarded the human being as made up of five different elements; the Ba, the Ka, the Akh, the Name and the Shadow.

The Ka

Originally the word Ka meant 'bull', but soon its meaning became to be intellectual and spiritual power.

It is almost impossible to translate the concept into our words, but try to think of it as the 'creative power in any being, wether human or divine'. The word 'sustenance' has also been used as description. It is not quite to be equaled to our concept of the 'soul'.

It was thought that the creator god Khnum created a person´s Ka when he created the person on his potter´s wheel. The Ka then followed the person like a shadow or a double all through life, but when the person died, the Ka returned to its heavenly abode. It was also dependent on food offerings, either real ones or carved as depictions on tomb walls. Unlike the Ba, the Ka was not thought to eat these offerings, but to assimilate their energy in the same way that the cult statues of the gods 'assimilated' the energy from the offerings set before them.

In daily life, when giving food or drink to someone, the ancient Egyptians often used the phrase: For your Ka to observe the life-giving energy of the Ka.

The Ba

has sometimes been equalized with our concept of the soul, (the definition of which also varies according to whom you may ask) but there are several differences.

The Ba refers to all those non-physical qualities that make up the personality of a human. But it also has to do with power - and gods as well as humans can have a Ba. Certain deities were even described as being the Ba of another god, i.e. the Ba of Re was the Benu bird at Heliopolis, and the Apis bull was considered the Ba of Osiris.

An important function of the Ba was to make it possible for the deceased to leave his tomb and rejoin his Ka. As the pysical body could no longer do this, the Ba, transformed into a bird with a human head, which could fly between the tomb and the underworld. It was also believed that the Ba could take on any form it chose, and that it had to reunite with the deceased every night in order for the deceased person to live forever and become an Akh; an ancestor.

So the Ba was very much attached to the physical body, contrary to the concept of the soul or the spirit. It was even thought that the Ba had physical needs, like food and water.


This was the form in which the blessed dead lived on in the hereafter. It was also the result of the union between the Ba and the Ka. An Akh was believed to live on unharmed for eternity, they were sometimes referred to as 'The Shining Ones'.


The Name (ren) was a very important part of an individual. It was regarded as a living part of the individual and it was believed that the name or the word was the perfect expression of the person or thing in question. A newborn child had to get a name immediately or it would not come properly into existence.

To get a good understanding of the importance of a Name, one can think of the Memphite Theology where it is expressed that the creator god Ptah created the world by uttering all the names for everything.

Often the ancients did not want to pronounce a deity´s name, but used differnt synonyms instead, like Yinepu (Gr: Anubis) was often called: 'He who is before the divine booth', meaning the mummification house. In that way the true name of the god could remain hidden and protected.

It was thought that 'whosoever´s name is uttered, then he lives', which make us remember that to give offerings and utter a deceased loved one´s name meant that the person lived on among 'The Shining Ones'. And the only person who could destroy demonic powers was he who knew their names. When travelling through the Underworld, the dangers that were encountered, were repelled with : 'I know you and I know your names'.


Finally, the Shadow (shwt) was also believed to be a living, essential part of the individual. Now, we must realize that in a country such as Egypt, shadow can be a blessing and protection from the burning rays of the sun. It was also seen as an entity with power, and which could move at great speed.

Just as the Shadow can protect, it needs to be protected, in likewise manner. Here´s the ancient Egyptian duality can be seen, which means that everything exists also in its complementary form. Nothing existed isolated, only for itself. The function was always intertwined with their universe, with Netjer and with Man.

November 22nd, 2009, 04:40 PM

Oh symbol of eternal life, of this is granted unto me;
For the universe is kind in her ineffable wisdom!
Though I am mortal in this life, my spirit is infinite.
As life surrounds me, I shall emit love from my heart;
Bringing peace to me, as I bring peace unto others!


November 28th, 2009, 09:43 PM

Ma'at or Mayet, thought to have been pronounced as (Muh-aht), was the Ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice, bringing all artistic or creative endeavors outside of chaos. Ma'at was also personified as a goddess regulating the stars, seasons, and the actions of both mortals and the deities, who set the order of the universe from chaos at the moment of creation.

Without Life and Ma'at there is no possibility of creation, which basically is movement. Dynamics and differentiation must be guided by an ordering, structuring, regulating principle. Thus Ma'at is an integrated part of the Creator god himself:

If people lived as the creatures they truly were, Maât would always be restored when out of balance and the good order would be able to endure for ever. But it is precisely because hearts choose to go wrong, that unbalance perpetuates & degenerates.

"O Re, Lord of Ma'at
who lives by Ma'at
who rejoices in Ma'at
who is complete because of Ma'at
who persists because of Ma'at
who is praised by Ma'at
who is powerful through Ma'at
who rules through Ma'at
who is crowned by Ma'at
who ascends in Ma'at
who descends in Ma'at
who nourishes on Ma'at
who is joined with Ma'at
O Re, eternal in deed, perfect in plans
righteous in heart, all who establish Ma'at
in everything which they creates...!

Here is one collection to give you the general idea:

I have not done iniquity.
I have not robbed with violence.
I have not stolen.
I have not made any to suffer pain.
I have not defrauded offerings.
I have done no murder nor bid anyone to slay on my behalf.
I have not trimmed the measure.
I have not spoken lies I have not robbed God.
I have not caused the shedding of tears.
I have not dealt deceitfully.
I have not acted guilefully.
I have not laid waste to the land.
I have not set my lips against anyone.
I have not been angry or wrathful without a just cause.
I have not been untrue to my lover.
