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View Full Version : Psycho Cybernetics.

April 19th, 2009, 08:52 PM

Do any of you have any opinions or know of Psycho Cybernetics? I have been listening to guru, Maxwell Maltz' on CD. It has been very beneficial for me; and I haven't heard anything negative concerning his mental approach to that of dealing with our problems. He says that it isn't any kind of cult, but a new appoach to thinking.






April 19th, 2009, 08:57 PM
Can you tell us a little more? I am having computer problems....some sites I cannot visit. But, I am interested in learning about this.


April 19th, 2009, 09:02 PM
Thanks Nathan for sharing!:pilot:

I am very interested in this matter...I hope will find some answers on so many question what are inside me......

Warm regards

April 21st, 2009, 04:41 AM
Thanks Nathan for sharing!:pilot:

I am very interested in this matter...I hope will find some answers on so many question what are inside me......

Warm regards

Can you tell us a little more? I am having computer problems....some sites I cannot visit. But, I am interested in learning about this.



We may have been emotionally hurt as a child or young adult and have built up emotional scars; this may have caused us to have a negative view toward all others that follow - and our insecurities may cause us to shrink from other people thinking that they may think about us in a certain way - or we may go overboard and treat everyone like jerks, no matter who they are - and if we could only learn to suspend our judgements concerning all the negative things which have affected us and react in a positive way (i.e. with emotional intelligence a la Daniel Goleman) toward things that come our way, from now on, then we may be on our way to becoming more adjusted human being.

I recommend the audio version (I have the 2-CD abridged), but to give you an idea, read through this PDF:
