View Full Version : The teachings of Adyashanti - free audio downloads

February 21st, 2010, 07:27 PM
Thought I would share this, I just discovered that there is quite a bit of free material on Adyashanti's website. I love his work, it has had a truly profound effect on me. He has a remarkable way of presenting the truth about spiritual awakening in a genuine, concise, no-frills way and I would recommend his work to anyone who so feels inclined.

If you have never encountered his work, I recommend you start with the "basic principles". I found them on youtube as well as available to download along with several other talks (his teachings on meditation and his book 'True Meditation' are the most helpful pointers I've ever found, bar none - and I've read a LOT of books on the subject!) at the following link:


Here is an authentic spirituality 101. If you feel compelled to watch I hope you find enjoy :)



